Wednesday, October 29


我家里的千金Princess V和Golden Dou Dou皮肤都不是很好。Princess V的是典型雪奈瑞,所幸没有它们很严重的皮肤病,不过很容易过敏,吃了一点容易过敏的东西,身体就会长一粒粒像粉刺的东西,再不打理就需要看医生吃药了。Golden Dou Dou是黄金猎犬,皮肤却容易缺水分干干的,偶尔还会有像头皮屑的东西。
所以她们长期都用着Accurate Oregano Shampoo(类似药用的shampoo,但是这个很温和),可是她们是每个星期洗澡的,皮肤还是会干燥。我就把Pets Esthe的和oregano shampoo隔星期洗PE的,下个星期就洗OS的,皮肤也没有那么干燥了。

Sunday, October 26

FAKED Portuguese baked eggs for furkids

Recently always went out for orders delivery + coffee chilled out on Sunday, so i will not able to make complicated dishes for my furkids. In fact, all my recipe is easy peasy also LoL!
 Inspiration from portuguese baked eggs as i had before at coffee shop, and this is the best way for you when you are not free to cook but still... need to cook for them,hahaha!
FAKED Portuguese baked eggs
Ingredients : Tomato puree, vegetables, meats, parmesan cheese, eggs, olive oil
- Chop some vegetable that your furkids like to eat into small pieces.
(i choose broccoli + carrots, Princess V doesn't like to eat these two so i purposely put inside because this dishes is smell so good and delicious, cheesy taste and tomato sauce can cover the taste of broccoli and carrots so that she will eat it )
- Mix well the tomato puree (3-4 tablespoons) and minced meats (mine is pork, you can choose chicken/lamb/beef as long as they can eat)
- Wrap baking pans with aluminium foil to avoid meats stick on pans although you might using non-stick baking pans.
- Put in the meats (mixed well with tomato puree) , and then second layers is vegetables. 
- Crack 2 eggs on it and topped with Parmesan cheese (not too much). Few drop of olive oil on it.
- Baked about 30 minutes , 250c degree.
- Ready to served.

I used 5 minutes only to prepare these ingredients and put into oven get ready for bake, after than i can leave to do my things. When i am home and it is ready to served. =)

You can skip all waste time steps like steam/fried which you have to stand in front of cooking pans, very easy right? Happy cooking =)

Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole ♥