Recently saw a lot of wheatgrass for pets, i am curious about it, to satisfied me, i bought it. =)
So i started to plant it, water it and wait for grow up, now all grow up and look nice, the following step will be how do i use this or serve for my princesses?
Weather is so hot, an idea come out from my mind, i'll make wheatgrass jelly instead of wheatgrass juice.
Here is my homemade recipe:
Ingredients : Wheatgrass, honey, jelly powder.
Steps :
1. Blend wheatgrass to juice, mix with honey.
2. put a tsp of jelly powder in the wheatgrass juice (jelly powder amount depends on juice, if too much water, please put 1 more tsp)
3. Cook it until mix well.
4. Let it cool and keep it into fridge if you wish to let your furkids enjoy the cooling jelly. =)
Dou Dou : mummy, when can i eat?
Dou Dou : but...what is this huh?
ViVi : mummy can i eat before you take my picture?